Our products Armos(QKD) and Tropos(QRNG) are now on GeM's portal
QNu’s Armos QKD protects critical infrastructure unconditionally, providing quantum resilience to ensure data in transit is safe at all times.
Armos - Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a state-of-the-art appliance which provides unconditional security for your critical data by leveraging the principles of quantum physics.
It is a highly-sophisticated engineering innovation which involves the power of complex deep-tech technologies (such as semiconductors, optoelectronics, high precision electronics, complex software algorithms and quantum physics) that work together to create unconditional security.
Today’s complex network infrastructure has been built over time and each of the devices have a specific role to play. With such complexities being a reality, Armos quantum key distribution (QKD) can be deployed in any present cryptographic system.
The quantum layer sits on top of the existing network, making the deployment and adoption seamless - be it a data centre or a hybrid model.
Easy Upgrade to Quantum Safe Security
Integration With Existing Crypto Structure
Quantum Key Distribution also known as QKD is the method of distribution of encryption keys which uses the principles of quantum physics to secure keys. Armos (QKD) uses a series of photons to transmit keys from one point to another over a fibre cable. The photons are generated randomly, which are in quantum state. Armos (QKD) uses photons to exchange quantum information in order to arrive at the same key at both ends.
QNu’s Armos (QKD) delivers quantum keys that provide unconditional security based on laws of quantum physics to two parties trying to communicate securely. Malicious actors that try to eavesdrop on the network are detected by Armos (QKD) and thus provides unconditional security for symmetric keys distribution that are used for encryption of confidential data.
Any attempt to read photon information causes disturbance, thereby increasing the error rate in the channel and causing keys to collapse.This stops the generation of keys and warns the admin of a possible attack on the channel. The key generation is not resumed until the error rate comes down. The key is never exchanged, making eavesdropping nearly impossible. The symmetric key is always shared secret between both ends of the QKD.
Any organisation or business that needs to secure its sensitive data should use Armos (QKD)
Armos QKD enables to create secure encryption keys for any two ends of a communication link for Symmetric Key Encryption system without ever sharing the actual keys on any links.
5G provides higher speed and better connectivity but also has an Achilleʼs heel in the form of data security. However, the use of Armos QKD technology can address this issue by securing communication between base stations and protecting critical data without interfering with the regular communication.
Terrestrial networks that span agency, state, or country require end-to-end encryption, there by providing unconditional security for any communication over classical channels. Armos QKD enables creation of completely quantum safe network to enable highest level of trust in data that traverses such networks.
Armos QKD offers quantum safe key generation, distribution and usage in encryptionfor the transport of confidential ciphersacross any network in real time. This can lead to total transformation of secure key distribution in the defense andallied sectorswhile offering strategic advantage.
Only quantum key distribution (QKD) can provide full end-to-end encryption as the keys are generated on both ends and it is not possible to route the keys to a different network. Since it is also not possible to route a quantum channel to store the data (as it is a direct channel), it provides true end-to-end encryption.
Key distribution has always been an area of vulnerability and carries the highest risk of data exposure. Though strong keys may be used for encryption, the sharing of the secret key has always been a point of vulnerability and challenge. Key distribution is the base for cryptographic infrastructure which has traditionally been using public key Infrastructure.
With PKI breakdown and rampant theft of critical data, organizations should focus on adopting more secure methods like quantum cryptography. There are only two proven ways of securing data, one is Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and the second is Quantum One Time Pad (QOTP), both of which in combination provides the highest level of security possible against the attacks experienced today and future threats that may arise for data in transit.