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QNu Labs bring to you the world's first quantum secure messenger, QShield™ Messaging Service. Equipped with quantum-derived primitives that provide end-to-end security for all your digital correspondence.
Messaging is a sensitive activity that should be done with end-to-end security with a secure quantum messenger to ensure that your messages are scrambled using the strongest encryption methods that pass the test even with quantum nemesis.
Make your encryptions fiercely secret and interpretable only by the exchanging parties, eliminating intermediaries from tapping into this secure quantum channel
Keep your messaging secure even while increasing the number of members exchanging messages. Quantum secure sessions for each chat ensure high-level security for each group
Post-quantum cryptographic protocols leverage quantum random number generation to create strong encryptions for secure messaging
Safeguard your sensitive messaging information against modernized, futuristic quantum attacks with high-level quantized encryptions for messaging
Eliminate the risk of snooping activity with two-stage authentication from the user and the server-side, ensuring end-to-end quantum secure messaging
Place voice calls that are protected by quantum based encryption protocols and high in the definition for a snoop-free communication
Enhance messaging security with user access credentials. The credentials are unique for each user and restrict app access to those with the right set of codes/passwords
Sessions times are configurable. The lapse of a session requires users to log in again with their unique credentials
You Need Quantum Secure Messaging. Here's Why
The robust architecture of QShield™ Messaging Service's two-step authentication enables seamless user verification and quantum security of messages between parties. One-time passwords generated by quantum random number generators for each session keep your communications secure.
Keep your messaging highly protected and defended against modern cyberattacks or snooping with quantum security
Messaging, voice calls, video calls, media/file sharing - any exchange happening over QShield™ Messaging Service is guaranteed private in transit
The power of quantum encryption extends to sharing files and media over QShield™ Messaging Service. All files sent using QShield™ Messaging Service and encrypted for complete confidentiality
We encourage you to book a live demonstration of our quantum secure messenger to see how it works. After all, seeing is believing. QShield™ Messaging Service enables absolute, uncompromised message security with a zero-trust factor in intermediaries.
Experience firsthand the true power of QShield™ Messaging Service