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Y2Q: Preparing for the quantum future

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Y2Q: Preparing for the quantum future

QNu Labs   |   Mar 08, 2023

Most of us remember Y2K. The global Y2K project aimed to replace the two-digit year codes with four-digit codes by December 31, 1999, to ensure that computers didn’t think the year was 1900 and bring the world to a halt. We successfully navigated the problem. At the tick of 00:00:01 on January 1, 2000, the world functioned as usual.

The anticlimactic outcome of the “millennium bug” was in part due to pre-emptive measures fuelled by government spending to avoid calamity. According to BlackBerry, the U.S. spent upwards of $100 billion in the preface of Y2K.

Why should we reminisce about Y2K?

With the advent and rapid developments of quantum computers, the world is staring at a problem of similar magnitude. It is called Y2Q (Years to Quantum). It is the year when quantum computers will break public-key encryption and completely expose our internet.

In fact, the Cloud Security Alliance has created a Y2Q countdown clock, arbitrarily specifying April 14, 2030, as the deadline by which the world must upgrade its IT infrastructure to meet the Y2Q threat.

Y2K and Y2Q differ, of course: Y2Q’s timing is unknown, but its impact imaginable, while Y2K’s timing was known although its impact wasn’t.

What is the expected impact of Y2Q?

Many large corporations such as Yahoo! And LinkedIn have been the victims of the biggest data breaches in the 21st century, with the number of those affected ranging from 117 million executives (LinkedIn in 2012) to as many as 3 billion users (Yahoo in 2013). If such mega virtual break-ins sound scary, they are merely the prologue.

Since the 1970s, the RSA cryptosystem, which uses very large prime numbers to create public keys that serve as the basis of the security protocol for data communicated on the internet, has proven to be relatively effective. Although Peter Shor of Bell Labs published a paper in 1994 showing that a quantum algorithm could crack the RSA cryptosystem, machines that can run such an algorithm are yet to be developed. It has therefore been possible to deploy bigger public keys faster than computers have speeded up, ensuring that the RSA cryptosystem continues to work.

However, who said that Shor’s algorithm is the way to crack encryption algorithms?

In 2019, Chinese researchers turned the integer factorization problem into an optimization task. They used the D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer, a quantum machine specialised in optimization problems, to factor the integer 376289 with just 94 qubits. Further optimizations allowed the researchers to factorise the much larger number 1005973 with only 89 qubits. A very recent global survey of security professionals carried out by Dimensional Research shows that of the surveyed 614 security professionals, 61 percent think that the quantum attacks will neutralise current encryption technology within just 2 years. 28 percent think that current encryption technologies will be compromised within 3-5 years.

Y2Q will arrive sooner than you think. If you aren’t ready to ride it, get ready to be swept away!

Preparing for Y2Q

One cannot technically wait for the day when quantum computers break encryption algorithms that enable e-commerce, data security, and secure communications. Adversaries are already preparing for Y2Q by employing ‘harvest now, decrypt later’ strategies.

It is time that organisations implement a strong quantum security strategy to protect themselves and their customers from quantum attacks.

Three kinds of defences are available against quantum attacks:

Today’s cryptographic systems and algorithms use software-based random number generators called pseudo-random number generators. PRNGs are typically used to generate a sequence of random numbers to support cryptographic operations such as generating seeds or encryption keys. Given the deterministic nature of algorithmic PRNGs, random numbers generated by a PRNG are technically not random. It makes cryptographic systems or services that rely on PRNGs vulnerable to quantum attacks.

To address this vulnerability, organisations should start replacing all PRNGs with Quantum Random Number Generators as soon as possible. Instead of using a deterministic algorithm, a QRNG can generate truly random numbers by measuring and digitising a quantum process, which, by nature, is non-deterministic.

QRNG solutions are already commercially available from several vendors in various form factors, such as rack-mounted appliances, PCI cards, and chips.

Post-quantum cryptography will likely be the most feasible option for businesses; it will require fewer changes in the computing infrastructure while replacing existing encryption algorithms. However, the transition will be difficult for businesses that have to learn to navigate a heterogeneous protocol landscape. The process takes time and requires frequent software upgrades.

The best way to tackle the Y2Q problem is to develop ‘crypto-agility’, the ability to switch rapidly between cryptographic standards, implement the best solutions available at any point, and be prepared for more changes in the future. Only crypto-agility can help companies ease the transition by protecting against quantum attacks, minimising their impact, and helping faster recovery. It will also enable companies to minimise the costs of tackling the problem, which will extend from the operational losses caused by cybersecurity issues to investments in the replacement of vulnerable equipment and protocol upgrades, which could all add up to hundreds of billions of dollars across industries.

It will not be easy to deal with cybersecurity once quantum computers see the light of day. You have no choice but to start thinking about how to take on an inevitable threat. If you act decisively and early, you will find ways to survive the Y2Q problem. However, remember that the quantum clock is already ticking.

QNu Labs has a range of quantum-secured products to dodge the Y2Q scenario.

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Mitigating Risks of Quantum Attacks: Timeline for Critical Industries

Mitigating Risks of Quantum Attacks: Timeline for Critical Industries

QNu Labs   |   Mar 06 , 2023
Mitigating Risks of Quantum Attacks Timeline for Critical Industries

Y2Q, the year when quantum computers will become powerful enough to break the current encryption code, is approaching sooner than expected. The moment is dreaded by businesses, governments, and individuals alike because it poses a serious threat to the security of our networks and data.

Quantum computers, when ready, will decrypt today’s asymmetric security protocols that are widely used to secure messages through public channels. It includes popular protocols like TLS/SSL (used to secure HTTPS connections), SSH (used to secure remote access and file transfers), and IPsec (used to secure VPNs).

We do not have a way of knowing precisely the moment when the first fully error-corrected quantum computer will arrive, but we do know that a few industries are more at risk today than others. A calculated estimate is that Y2Q will be in 2030.

So, how should businesses prepare for the inevitable threat?

system life cycle

At risk before 2025

These industries store and process sensitive and confidential information serving as a gold mine for data hackers. The “harvest now, decrypt later” approach is worthwhile because of the sheer power of the data harvested.

For these industries, data is vulnerable whenever it passes between systems and devices. Every touchpoint must be protected to defend against the quantum threat.

Defence companies routinely handle high-value strategic assets and interact with sensitive systems, making data security mission-critical. Quantum security, therefore, becomes a critical part of their value proposition.

At risk between 2025-2030

The healthcare industry is already a significant target for threat actors looking to harvest sensitive information. Healthcare providers are acutely aware of the moral and reputational responsibility required to safeguard patient data. For them, adopting quantum-secured products is not a privilege but a necessity.

Heavy industries and energy companies are at risk of an attack on their patented technologies and confidential manufacturing processes. Materials science, especially nanotechnologies, has the potential for colossal devastation if misused.

At risk after 2030

For telecom companies, quantum computers threaten to expose critical infrastructure to an attack, with potentially devastating consequences. Secure communications apps are also vulnerable. They are often used by journalists, whistle-blowers, and political parties to exchange sensitive information, so the data exchanged via these apps can be particularly damaging in the hands of bad actors.

Semiconductor manufacturers need to assess quantum encryption as they sit high on the supply chain of consumer electronics. The wired and wireless networking businesses should also leverage quantum security as they play a pivotal role in the electronics ecosystem. Other industries need to buckle up as well, but they can afford to join the bandwagon later. The repercussions of a data breach, though paramount, are not as devastating.

Mitigating Risks

At a high level, decision-makers can pursue one of three paths to mitigate the threats posed by capable quantum systems: adopt PQC solutions today, retrofit existing systems to PQC standards at a later date, or take action only to enhance the efficacy of traditional encryption protocols, all while monitoring evolving industry standards and regulations.

mitigating post quantum cryptography

The precise decisions will depend on when organisations need to begin mitigation, the performance requirements of cryptography protocols, and the number and distribution of connected devices and systems that require protection.

decisions about adopting pqc

QNu Labs offers several products to curb the risks and protect data from quantum attacks. From quantum-based encryptions to entropy enhancement services, QNu covers all security bases.

The products Armos, Tropos, and Hodos form the three pillars of quantum-powered security provided by QNu.

Irrespective of the industry you belong to, the quantum threat is real. It is never too early to start working towards fortifying your business data.

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Q-Day can flip the security switch!

Q-Day can flip the security switch!

QNu Labs   |   Mar 04, 2023
Q-Day can flip the security switch!

Q-Day, also called “Quantum Day” is the day when quantum computers will successfully break the internet.

Q-Day sounds like a threat because it indeed is. It marks a point in time when quantum computers will solve complex problems that conventional computers cannot solve in a reasonable amount of time.

Why does that matter to all of us?

The standard encryption used to safeguard the present-day internet is designed such that classical computers cannot decrypt the security code (in a reasonable amount of time). But quantum computers can!

Standard cryptography protects almost everything in our lives, including our personal email and banking, businesses, government entities, the health industry, and public infrastructures. As our world has become increasingly digitised, our exposure to something that can break said cryptography can pronounce disaster if it falls into the wrong hands.

No one knows when Q-Day will occur, so there are only estimates at this point. But it seems we might be late. The news of Chinese researchers cracking the code is already doing the rounds.

Why do we need quantum-security?

As ludicrous as it might sound, the machines that don’t yet exist endanger our future communications and our current and past ones. Data thieves, who have been practising the “harvest now, decrypt later” philosophy, can potentially view everything from our medical histories to our old banking records. Let’s say that Q-Day happens in 2025; everything you have done on the internet up until that day will be at someone’s disposal.

The risk is grave enough for an “internet makeover” to limit the damage if Q-Day indeed happens. That means switching to stronger cryptographic systems, or cryptosystems. Fortunately, decades of research in quantum physics and computer science have created several possibilities for securing sensitive data. The post-quantum algorithms seem impervious to attacks. They use mathematical approaches that take quantum computing into account, and programmers have not yet found ways to defeat them in a reasonable time.

The most bullish proponents of quantum computing say we will have to wait a while until the machines are powerful enough to crack encryption keys, but we at QNu Labs disagree. We believe the Q-Day is much closer than most people anticipated.

Quantum Cryptography – An Opportunity

Whether Q-day happens or not, the possibility of code-breaking quantum machines has already changed computer science, in particular, the ancient art of cryptography.

The quantum mechanics' property of randomness allows us to build Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNG). Classical computers cannot compute real random numbers, but they are critical for advanced cryptography. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) encrypts the keys in some degree of freedom of the elementary particles that follow the laws of quantum mechanics.

QRNG and QKD have the potential to revolutionise cybersecurity by offering unprecedented levels of security due to the fundamental properties of quantum systems.

QNu's range of quantum-based products covers end-to-end security across the entire data-based paraphernalia. From quantum-based encryptions to entropy enhancement services, QNu covers all security bases.

QNu’s flagship products Armos, Tropos, and Hodos are a perfect start to your quantum-cryptography journey of protecting your enterprise data.

QRNG and QKD have wider applications. It won't be long before we see them implemented across the internet channels.

If all goes to plan, the internet will be well into its post-quantum era by the time computing enters its quantum era. This post-quantum internet could someday be followed by quantum internet: a network that uses the principles of quantum physics to make information exchange hacker-proof.

Researchers estimate that to break cryptosystems, quantum computers will need 1,000 times more computing components (qubits) than they currently do.

But that is no reason to be complacent. Fully transitioning all technology to be quantum resistant will take time. Whenever Q-Day happens, gadgets somewhere will still be vulnerable.

It’s time you start today!



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Taking Cues: Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act

Taking Cues: Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act

QNu Labs   |   Mar 03, 2023
Taking Cues Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act

On December 21, 2022, President Biden signed the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, which encourages federal government agencies to adopt technology that protects against quantum computing attacks.

The act does not yet mandate any new standards or give a fixed time frame for switching away from any algorithms currently used, so it is more of a reminder than a regulation.

Why would the USA, a country that is audaciously cryptic about its sensitive (government and defence) information, make such a move?

The message is loud and clear: the US government does not want any Q-Day scenario.

We can be fairly certain that the US has invested in the best encryption technology to secure its data. But, they understand the power of quantum computers in breaching cybersecurity. Hence, this move!

The act marks a major milestone in the global effort to develop and deploy quantum-resilient cybersecurity. All countries need to take note. It has become imperative to defend against the coming quantum computing threat since it takes significant effort and years to upgrade existing government and commercial technology and cryptography.

The act mentions that Congress finds cryptography essential for national security and the functioning of the economy and notes the potential risks posed by “harvest now, decrypt later” attacks.

The thought behind the Act

According to the Quantum Alliance Initiative (2021), the US could incur a cost of over $3 trillion in damages in the event of a quantum attack. Quantum attacks on the monetary transactions of a US financial institution alone could cost $2 trillion.

A quantum computer is also capable of breaking communication sessions and taking control of transaction sessions midstream. The threat to sensitive data of the future is more alarming than losing the security of past data.

In a nutshell, the consequences of quantum attacks on finance, healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, and infrastructure industries are too large to ignore.

The US has made a calculated and informed decision to roll out this act.

To summarise, the premise behind passing this act is:

Congress senses that,

What should you infer?

‘Cryptographic agility’ are golden words in an uncertain digital world.

It means that you should not only be able to switch algorithms, change key sizes, or adjust algorithm parameters quickly but also do so safely, possibly at short notice. The threat is not limited to the federal government. It also impacts the private sector as hackers look to steal customer data and intellectual property that fault-tolerant quantum computers can decrypt. The act serves as a cue to the private sector to begin preparing for this massive new cybersecurity challenge.

The key takeaway is to keep yourself cryptographically nimble even if a sudden quantum computing breakthrough does not happen. You do not want to risk your data by missing the opportunity to upgrade.

As it is said, “Cybersecurity is a journey, not a destination.”

How can QNu help?

QNu Labs is a pioneer in developing products that proactively secure data for the post-quantum era.

QNu's range of quantum-based products covers security from end-to-end across the entire data-based paraphernalia. From quantum-based encryptions to entropy enhancement services, QNu covers all security bases.

QNu’s flagship products Armos, Tropos, and Hodos are a perfect start to your quantum-cryptography journey of protecting your enterprise data.

It is time to use quantum cryptography against quantum-powered attacks.

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How Should Security teams prepare for Post-Quantum Cryptography?

How should security teams prepare for post quantum cryptography?

QNu Labs   |   Feb 14, 2023
how should security teams prepare for post quantum cryptography?

The post-quantum world poses a threat to the existing cybersecurity systems.

Quantum computers use the laws of quantum mechanics to process information in quantum bits or qubits. Qubits can exist in multiple states at the same time (called quantum superposition). This property allows quantum computers to process data and solve problems exponentially faster than classical computers. It has been proven that a scaled quantum computer will render modern public-key encryption algorithms useless. Many enterprise technologies depend on public-key encryption, placing them at an elevated risk of brute-force attacks by malicious actors.

The power of quantum computing can easily break RSA protocols that guard our online data. RSA-2048, once considered a fortress of cybersecurity, is vulnerable to quantum hacks. It has become imperative for organisations to protect sensitive and critical data with quantum-resistant cryptography.

Migration to Quantum-Safe Encryption (QSE)

The migration from existing encryption towards quantum cryptography can be a challenging endeavour. It requires the participation of people, processes, and technology. Quantum cryptography is an evolving technology that will go through a series of iterations with time. Transitioning to QSE, as of today, can be explained in four steps:


The first step is to collect the inventory of cryptographic assets used by the organisation. It includes algorithms, keys, certificates, protocols, and libraries. It typically consists of a scanner capable of scanning an application, a host, or a network and an inventory of cryptographic assets.


The second step is to look for vulnerabilities across the collected cryptographic inventory. The need to transition to QSE provides an excellent opportunity to modernise encryption implementation overall. Therefore, the vulnerabilities should not be limited to finding algorithms that are not quantum-safe. They can include any cryptographic vulnerabilities.


The third step is prioritising the vulnerabilities discovered based on risk so that the organisation addresses the highest risks first. This risk-based prioritisation requires enrichment data.

Let’s consider two databases that we need to rank for priority. Suppose that database A contains classified information while database B contains public information. The data classification information is an example of enrichment data. This context prioritises fixing the issue for database A, which poses a higher risk.


This step automates the remediation of those prioritised issues. The remediation procedure differs depending on whether the issue requires an application change. For issues that do not require an application change, this step integrates with external systems to drive a resolution.

Roadmap for security teams in an organisation

The migration to quantum-safe algorithms could take several years, for some industries like healthcare and financial services, the transition can be challenging due to technology lifecycles and long-life data that has to remain secure. The transition to post-quantum is considered more complex than previous cryptographic transitions. It should serve as a wake-up call for considering the impacts on a company's digital infrastructure.

To kick-start the migration, the security teams need to:

Inventory data: Map out where the most sensitive and long-life data resides.

Inventory cryptographic assets: Gain in-depth visibility into what cryptographic assets already exist in the technology environment.

Build a cryptographic agility strategy: Cryptographic agility is the ability to easily move from one algorithm to another – even a quantum-resistant one.

Test and plan the migration: Follow steps 3 and 4 mentioned earlier for seamless migration.

Overview of post quantum cryptography solutions The adjustments and investments security leaders will need to make depend on the type of post quantum cryptography solution.

The two most viable candidates are:

In quantum key distribution (QKD), two parties exchange a symmetric key through a secure quantum channel. This solution requires additional quantum hardware to transmit, process, and store quantum information. QKD is safe from decryption by quantum computers. QNu Labs has successfully demonstrated the robustness of this technology.

In classical post quantum cryptography (CPQC), two parties use quantum methods, such as lattice-based encryption, to encrypt messages over classical channels (such as fibre-optic cable). This approach is safe from quantum-computing decryption. It requires hardware similar to what is required for traditional encryptions.

Post quantum cryptography is approaching. The right way to prepare for this new era varies by company, as do the considerations around balancing near-term costs with possible risks further in the future. Leaders and decision-makers in security and risk should evaluate their options and get moving.

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Can new optical fibres fast-track quantum internet?

Can new optical fibres fast-track quantum internet?

QNu Labs   |   Feb 14, 2023
Can new optical fibres fast-track Quantum Internet?

We live in an information age where digital communication has become a lifeline for our businesses. Optical fibres are the backbone of our modern information networks. Long-range communication over the internet and high-speed information transfer within data centres take place over optical fibres.

Fibre networks, due to their structure and form, are prone to vulnerabilities. Information transfer can be compromised when things go wrong. Physicists at the University of Bath in the UK have developed a new kind of fibre designed to enhance the robustness of networks. This robustness can be important in the coming age of quantum networks.

The new optical fibres are fabricated using the mathematics of topology. They are easily scalable; the structure of each fibre can be preserved over thousands of kilometres.

In ordinary networks, light travels through the core of the fibre. The path taken by an optical fibre as it criss-crosses the landscape isn’t straight and undisturbed; turns, loops, and bends are the norm. Distortions in the fibre cause information to degrade as it moves through the channel.

The fibre designed by the Bath team deploys topological ideas by including several light-guiding cores in a fibre, linked together in a spiral. Light can hop between these cores but becomes trapped within the edge due to the topological design. These edge states are protected against disorder in the structure.

Conventional light sources for fibre-optic telecommunications emit many photons at the same time. In existing telecommunication networks, information is transmitted by modulating the properties of light waves travelling in optical fibres. In quantum communication, however, information is encoded in the phase of a single photon, the photon’s position in the wave in which it travels. This makes it possible to connect quantum sensors in a network spanning great distances and to connect quantum computers. Single-photon sources with operating wavelengths compatible with existing fibre communication networks have been developed.

The new fibres make it possible to integrate quantum light sources made of two-dimensional materials into communication networks. In addition, the two-dimensional nature of the material makes it easy to construct devices layer by layer. It helps integrate these light sources into emerging quantum computers to construct larger, modular computing systems and achieve quantum advantage for practical applications.

Quantum networks are expected to play an important communication role in the future. Quantum technologies can store and process information in more powerful ways than 'classical' computers can today, as well as send messages securely across global networks without any chance of eavesdropping.

But the quantum states of light that transmit information are easily impacted by their environment and finding a way to protect them is a major challenge. The new fibre optic networks can be a step towards maintaining quantum information in fibre optics using topological design.

Exciting times are ahead for quantum networks!

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Building quantum networks with quantum dots

Building Quantum Networks with Quantum Dots

QNu Labs   |   Feb 08, 2023
Building Quantum Networks with Quantum Dots

We are witnessing the second quantum revolution. We are, for the first time, exploring the possible applications of quantum superposition and quantum entanglement. Quantum communication is one of the important use cases of quantum mechanics. Building a large and fully-functional quantum network will determine the commercial success of quantum communication.

Though quantum communication has seen significant developments, its progress hinders due to the limitation of maintaining quantum states of qubits (quantum bits) over large distances. Unlike classical bits that can be amplified, qubits do not support amplification because their superposition states cannot be cloned. Therefore, a robust quantum network necessitates low-loss channels and high-intensity quantum sources. There has been significant progress in satellite-based quantum communications and quantum repeaters to overcome some of the known challenges. However, the need of the hour is high-powered single-photon sources that create high-performance qubits.

Quantum dots are considered a viable option for this requirement. Quantum dots, also called ‘artificial atoms’, are semiconductor nanocrystals with nanometer-sized diameters that exhibit quantum size effects in their optical and electronic properties. Photon detection is realised by devices such as light-dependent resistors (photoconductors) or photodiodes. Quantum dots have been successfully integrated into these already-existing technological platforms to improve their performance.

Quantum dots create smaller, more efficient antennas that have high conductivity and can transmit signals over long distances with minimal loss. Researchers from Osaka University in Japan have fabricated a nanoantenna that brings quantum information networks closer to practical use. They have substantially enhanced photon-to-electron conversion through a metal nanostructure, a milestone for sharing and processing data.

Conceptual illustration of efficient illumination of photons to semiconductor lateral quantum dots by using a surface plasmon antenna and excitation of electrons in the quantum dots. (Image: Oiwa lab)

Conceptual illustration of efficient illumination of photons to semiconductor lateral quantum dots by using a surface plasmon antenna and excitation of electrons in the quantum dots. (Image: Oiwa lab)

Nanostructures such as nanoparticles and nanofilms can also be used to create more efficient and robust wireless communication systems, such as those used in satellite and 5G networks. Researchers have extended their research in exploring the use of nanomaterials to create more secure and efficient encryption systems and to create networks that are more resistant to interference and jamming.

An efficient and compact single-photon source that can operate on a chip at ambient temperatures is already demonstrated. Using quantum dots, scientists have developed a method in which a single nanocrystal can be accurately positioned on top of a specially designed and carefully fabricated nanoantenna. Such a highly directional single photon source could lead to a significant progress in producing compact, cheap, and efficient sources of quantum information bits for future quantum networks.

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Ingenious Encryption Breach – A Final Call

Ingenious Encryption Breach – A Final Call

QNu Labs   |   Jan 23, 2023
Ingenious Encryption Breach – A Final Call

Data is the engine of the new economy. The data economy depends on the creation of data and data sharing. This makes data an invaluable asset for nations, enterprises and individuals. The data exchange fuels data harvesting. Companies and individuals are known to harvest data - extract useful information from data sources for their personal benefit. Data is harvested through the breaches and sold on the dark web. One can buy credit card information on the dark web for a few dollars.

The protection of data from misuse, through inappropriate data harvesting, is achieved through encryption. Encryption converts the information into a secret code that hides the information's true meaning. It has been a saviour for data in the last few years. Almost all data is now encrypted - phone calls, emails, online messages, internet content, banking details, e-commerce etc.

Today, public-key encryption algorithms are used widely for encrypting data sent over the internet. The RSA-2048 public-key encryption provides the best combination of security and performance. It is believed to be extremely secure because it takes classical computers trillions of years to break the mathematics behind the encryption key exchange algorithms.

Since the meat of the loot is not cash but data in today’s digital world, it is not surprising that we frequently hear about data hacks and data breaches. The value of harvesting encrypted critical data (with long shelf life) through different means and decrypting it later is priceless, especially for state-sponsored hackers as access to such data can be used as leverage against adversaries.

Imagine a scenario when the current public keys are broken in a few minutes…

The advent of quantum computers has dramatically changed the cryptography landscape. The superior computational power of quantum computers can break public-key encryption almost instantly. The prowess of quantum computing makes the pain of data harvesting worthwhile because decrypting sensitive data is a breeze. As per a report published in 2020, a quantum computer with 4099 perfectly stable qubits could break the RSA-2048 encryption in 10 seconds.

Imagine the repercussions of this ability in the defence, critical infrastructure, banking, and healthcare industries.

Why is this discussion important today?

The researchers had predicted that a 4099-qubit quantum computer may not arrive until 2030 but according to a recent article in Financial Times, Chinese researchers claim to have found a way to break encryption using existing quantum computers. American cryptographer, Bruce Schneier, said the Chinese claim "is something to be taken seriously".

The point to be noted is that if such news is gathering steam, we are already late in de-risking our data. The news article serves as a rude wake-up call to act soon.

The prudent decision is to protect the encrypted data today so that it remains encrypted in the future.

The data economy is here to stay and grow. New threats demand new solutions. We, at QNu Labs, are miles ahead in ensuring that your data remains safe from new encryption breaches.

We have developed quantum cryptography as well as post-quantum cryptography-based solutions to address a wide range of use cases. While quantum cryptography solutions are based on the principles of quantum physics, post-quantum cryptography is based on mathematical problems that are hard for both classical and quantum computers to solve.

Our hybrid solutions (quantum and post-quantum cryptography) offer security for both ‘data in transit’ and ‘data at rest’ and can be implemented on dedicated wired or wireless networks of government and Defence as well as on shared public networks of private enterprises. The solution is easy to implement without any disruption to the business.

The importance of protecting critical and sensitive data using quantum-secured technology is the only path to secure our future. There is no time left to think and decide. The only plausible course of action is to plunge into adopting quantum security.

Data security today can avoid a data catastrophe tomorrow.

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QNu’s Qosmos - Quantum Key Generation as a Service Now Available in AWS Marketplace

QNu's Quantum Keys as a service now available in AWS Marketplace

aws marketplace

QNu’s Qosmos - Quantum Key Generation as a Service Now Available in AWS Marketplace

QNu Labs proudly announces the general availability of its QOSMOS (Entropy-as-a-Service) solution in the AWS Marketplace.

This curated service has the best source of true randomness which is derived from unpredictable physical phenomena of quantum effects. It helps organizations, developers, and security teams to fetch quantum-sourced random numbers for any application usage like cryptographic key generation, tokenization, authentication, and identity management.

Qosmos's presence on AWS Marketplace will ease the procurement process to handle the exponentially increasing demand for the solution, serving enterprises/government to fast-growing medium-sized companies and small innovative businesses across every industry vertical. A user can select the Qosmos service subscription, the preferred contract type (Gold, Silver, Bronze), followed by payment made through the AWS Marketplace. The user will then be redirected to a QOSMOS registration page. After purchasing the subscription, a welcome email will be sent to the user and an intimation email will be sent to the QOSMOS team to initiate the onboarding process and to share relevant documentation with the user.

A new Forrester Total Economic Impact™ study found that by using AWS Marketplace, organizations experience three key benefits:

To learn more about QNu’s Qosmos and to purchase in AWS Marketplace, please visit: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-fzkuj32ktapmq?sr=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa

QNu's Quantum Keys as a service now available in AWS Marketplace

QNu Labs proudly announces the general availability of its QOSMOS (Entropy-as-a-Service) solution in the AWS Marketplace.

This curated service has the best source of true randomness which is derived from unpredictable physical phenomena of quantum effects. It helps organizations, developers, and security teams to fetch quantum-sourced random numbers for any application usage like cryptographic key generation, tokenization, authentication, and identity management.

Qosmos's presence on AWS Marketplace will ease the procurement process to handle the exponentially increasing demand for the solution, serving enterprises/government to fast-growing medium-sized companies and small innovative businesses across every industry vertical. A user can select the Qosmos service subscription, the preferred contract type (Gold, Silver, Bronze), followed by payment made through the AWS Marketplace. The user will then be redirected to a QOSMOS registration page. After purchasing the subscription, a welcome email will be sent to the user and an intimation email will be sent to the QOSMOS team to initiate the onboarding process and to share relevant documentation with the user.

A new Forrester Total Economic Impact™ study found that by using AWS Marketplace, organizations experience three key benefits:

To learn more about QNu’s Qosmos and to purchase in AWS Marketplace, please visit: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-fzkuj32ktapmq?sr=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa

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Bringing Quantum Security to Blockchain powered Data-Interchange

Bringing Quantum Security to Blockchain powered Data-Interchange

Bringing Quantum Security to Blockchain powered Data-Interchange

Across the world, businesses and individuals are either digitally enabled or getting enabled at a fast pace. With petabytes of data being generated at break-neck speed, Data TRUST and SECURITY are the holy grail of the digital world. Cyber risk to data safe-keeping is now exponentially increasing with the access to Quantum computing not too far away in the future.

Addressing this issue NOW for the future is the partnership between ThynkBlynk and Qnu Labs. Two cutting edge, innovative technology platform players, we have come together to deliver a market ready and viable Quantum secure Data-Interchange powered by Blockchain

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