QNu Labs


Quantum 101: Understanding Quantum Entanglement

Quantum 101: Understanding Quantum Entanglement

QNu Labs   |   Dec 27, 2023

In quantum mechanics, the phenomenon of quantum entanglement stands out as both perplexing and fascinating. It is one of the iconic principles of quantum physics and probably the bedrock of new-age quantum technologies.

Quantum entanglement describes the enigmatic connection between particles, regardless of the distance. The description challenges our classical intuitions about the nature of reality where all communication and connectedness is over a measurable distance. 

So, what is quantum entanglement?

At the core, it is the inexplicable relationship between particles known as entangled particles. 

When two particles become entangled, their quantum states become linked, and altering the state of one particle instantaneously affects the other, even if they are light-years apart. 

Note: no physical signal appears to travel between the entangled particles.

How did it all start?

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox

The concept was first brought to the forefront in 1935 through the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox. 

Albert Einstein, along with collaborators Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, proposed a thought experiment to highlight what they perceived as a peculiar consequence of quantum mechanics. They argued that entanglement allowed for the possibility of ‘spooky action at a distance’, where changes in one particle’s state could influence the other particle instantaneously.

EPR’s paradox triggered debates about the completeness of quantum mechanics as an independent field of study and spurred experiments to test the phenomenon. Over the years, numerous experiments, including those by physicist Alain Aspect, have consistently confirmed that entanglement is real and that the quantum theory stands true to its claims.

One of the most iconic demonstrations of quantum entanglement is the violation of Bell inequalities. Physicist John Bell formulated these inequalities in the 1960s as a way to test the predictions of classical and quantum theories. Experiments based on Bell inequalities consistently show results that align with quantum predictions, providing empirical evidence for the genuine nature of entanglement.

Entangled Particles: A Relation Beyond Space and Time

The entanglement between particles transcends the constraints of space and time and challenges our traditional understanding of causality, as changes in one particle’s state propagate to its entangled partner faster than the speed of light. 

While this phenomenon doesn’t violate the fundamental principles of relativity, it showcases the intricate and non-local nature of quantum connections.

Quantum entanglement has found applications in quantum information science, particularly in quantum computing and quantum communication. The ability to transfer information instantaneously between entangled particles has created secure communication channels immune to eavesdropping.

Researchers are exploring potential applications such as quantum teleportation, where the quantum state of one particle can be transmitted to another particle at a distance. Though the practical implications are still in the early stages of development, the mere possibility of teleporting quantum information hints at the transformative power of entanglement in shaping the future of technology.

Challenges and Mysteries

Despite the progress, mysteries persist. The nature of the connection between entangled particles remains elusive, and the underlying mechanism responsible for the instantaneous influence remains a topic of ongoing exploration.

Furthermore, the implications raise profound philosophical questions. They challenge our understanding of the separability of objects in space and prompt us to reconsider the nature of the quantum reality that underlies the fabric of the universe.


Alain Aspect – Facts – 2022 (nobelprize.org)

The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

John Bell and the most profound discovery of science – Physics World


Quantum 101: What is Quantum Physics?

Quantum 101: What is Quantum Physics?

QNu Labs   |   Dec 20, 2023

Quantum physics is the most perplexing branch of physics. Also called particle physics, it explains the world of the smallest of the smallest–atoms and subatomic particles. 

Classical physics describes the macroscopic world we observe in our daily lives, but quantum physics delves into the microscopic realm revealing a bizarre and counterintuitive set of principles such as:


Superposition is one of the most iconic concepts in quantum physics. The principle says that the particles such as electrons can exist in multiple positions simultaneously. For example, imagine a coin tossed in the air—it is not in a definite state of heads or tails while in the air until it is observed. Similarly, sub-atomic particles in quantum superposition exist in all possible states until they are measured.

Wave-Particle Duality

Quantum physics challenges the conventional understanding of particles and waves. Traditionally, light and sound were associated with waves and particles with matter. However, quantum physics says that sub-atomic particles such as electrons, exhibit both particle-like and wave-like properties depending on the experimental conditions. 

This duality blurs the line between what is thought of as discrete particles and continuous waves. Everything appears like waves before it is observed and measured. 

Quantum Entanglement

Two or more connected particles are called ‘entangled’ if one particle instantly influences the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. The distances can be as large as universes apart. Described by Einstein as “spooky action at a distance,” such mysterious connections are possible in the quantum realm. 

Implications of Quantum Physics

Quantum physics has far-reaching implications that challenge our intuitive understanding of reality. The age-old observations and conclusions from classical physics stand corrected by quantum physics. Some of the intriguing implications are:

Uncertainty Principle

As formulated by Werner Heisenberg, the uncertainty principle asserts that it is impossible to simultaneously know a particle’s exact position and momentum. This inherent uncertainty at the quantum level has profound consequences for our understanding of determinism and predictability.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computers leverage the principles of superposition and entanglement to perform complex calculations exponentially faster than classical computers. Such a computer has the potential to revolutionise the fields of encryption, optimisation, and simulation.

Quantum Cryptography

Scientists have achieved a breakthrough in cryptography by successfully using entangled particles for secure communication. Termed quantum cryptography, it promises unhackable communication channels. The reason: with quantum entanglement, any attempt to eavesdrop on one particle would disrupt the state of all entangled particles, alerting users to potential security breaches.

Quantum physics takes us on a wild journey into a world where the rules of classical physics break down, and reality becomes a blend of probabilities and uncertainties. While the principles of quantum physics may seem perplexing, their application holds the promise of transformative technologies that could reshape the landscape of computing, communication, and our understanding of the universe.

As we unravel the mysteries of the quantum realm, one thing remains certain: the more we learn, the more we realise how much there is still left to discover. 

Quantum physics challenges our fundamental assumptions about the nature of reality, inviting us to explore a universe that is, in many ways, stranger than we could ever have imagined.


Quantum 101: Mysteries of Quantum Superposition

Quantum 101: Mysteries of Quantum Superposition

QNu Labs   |   Dec 23, 2023

In the realm of quantum mechanics, there exists a phenomenon that challenges our classical understanding of reality–a phenomenon that makes particles take infinite possibilities. 

This mesmerising attribute of particles is known as quantum superposition, a fundamental concept that lies at the heart of quantum physics.

The Basics of Quantum Superposition

At the core of quantum mechanics is the idea that particles, such as electrons and photons, can exist in multiple states simultaneously. Unlike classical physics, where an object can only exist in one state at a time, quantum superposition allows particles to exist in a combination of states.

Imagine a spinning coin. In the classical world, the coin is either heads or tails. However, in the quantum world, the coin can exist in a superposition of both states–a delicate balance of heads and tails, spinning through a multitude of possibilities until measured.

The Schrödinger’s Cat Thought Experiment

One of the most famous illustrations of quantum superposition is Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment. Proposed by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935, this hypothetical scenario involves placing a cat in a sealed box with a radioactive atom, a Geiger counter, a vial of poison, and a hammer. 

According to quantum mechanics, until the box is opened and observed, the cat exists in a superposition of being both alive and dead simultaneously.

While this scenario may seem perplexing and counterintuitive, it highlights the peculiar nature of quantum superposition. The act of observation, or measurement, collapses the superposition, forcing the system to adopt a specific state.

Quantum Computing and Superposition

Quantum superposition finds practical applications in the field of quantum computing. 

Traditional computers use bits that represent either a 0 or a 1. Quantum computers, on the other hand, leverage quantum bits or qubits. Due to superposition, qubits can exist in a superposition of 0 and 1, allowing quantum computers to process information in parallel and potentially solve complex problems much faster than classical computers.

Quantum Entanglement

In addition to superposition, another intriguing phenomenon in quantum mechanics is entanglement. Entangled particles share a deep connection, such that the state of one particle instantaneously influences the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. The combination of superposition and entanglement introduces a whole new layer of complexity and richness to the quantum world.

Challenges and Future Implications

While quantum superposition holds incredible promise for the future of computing and technology, it also poses significant challenges. The delicate nature of superposition makes quantum systems highly susceptible to interference and decoherence, making it difficult to maintain the fragile allowance of possibilities for extended periods.

Researchers and scientists around the globe are actively working on overcoming these challenges and harnessing the power of quantum superposition for practical applications, ranging from cryptography to optimisation problems.

To conclude….

With its mind-bending implications, quantum superposition continues to captivate the imagination of scientists and enthusiasts alike. 

While the practical applications are still in their infancy, the journey into the quantum realm promises a future where the seemingly impossible becomes a reality. 

Quantum superposition invites us to rethink our understanding of reality and challenges us to explore the boundless possibilities at the heart of this quantum principle.


How Will Quantum Computing Impact Quantum Cryptography?

How Will Quantum Computing Impact Quantum Cryptography?

QNu Labs   |   Nov 09, 2023

Quantum computing uses fundamental principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex processing. Quantum cryptography leverages the same principles for advanced data encryption. However, quantum computing and quantum cryptography are not allies. Instead, they stand tall against each other at the crossroads!

Ironical as it may sound, quantum cryptography was born because of the fear of quantum computing breaking existing encryption protocols. A quantum computer of a scale of about 1000 qubits can break RSA codes that protect online data exchange today in seconds. When the entire security infrastructure we have known for decades can collapse in the blink of an eye, the collateral damage is too high to ignore.

Symmetric vs asymmetric encryption

Symmetric vs asymmetric encryption

Most organisations deploy symmetric or asymmetric encryption to protect their assets such as data storage devices, networking devices, secure email, and web browsing. Symmetric algorithms are easier to break than asymmetric algorithms. Therefore, RSA encryption and most other public key cryptographies are asymmetric. Complex mathematical structures that use large prime numbers were the bedrock of asymmetric encryption because classical computers took thousands of years to crack the code. 

Quantum Computing - A Game Changer

With the advent of quantum computing, the scenarios have changed completely. A quantum computer can break asymmetric algorithms in seconds posing a threat to security infrastructure. Malicious actors aka cybercriminals are harvesting data now so that they can decrypt it later and hold companies at ransom. The activity is so widespread that it has a term for it – Harvest Now Decrypt Later (HNDL).

Possible Alternatives Under Quantum Cryptography

Many quantum-resistant alternatives are available that are collectively termed quantum cryptography. However, quantum key distribution (QKD), quantum random number generator (QRNG), and post-quantum cryptography (PQC) are globally accepted as the most robust technologies among them. 

QKD works on the quantum principle of entanglement. The two quantum particles are correlated such that the state of one particle affects the state of the other particle, even when they are separated by a large distance. Any attempt to intercept or measure particles during the transmission would disturb their state, and the disturbance would be detected by Alice and Bob, alerting them to the presence of an eavesdropper.

Quantum random number generators (QRNGs) generate randomness using quantum principles, which are non-deterministic. QRNGs offer multiple advantages: quantum indeterminacy, faster performances by leveraging photonics, and the ability to verify the origin of unpredictability.

According to NIST,  lattice-based algorithms were robust for PQC. The algorithms are designed for two main tasks for which encryption is typically used: general encryption, used to protect information exchanged across a public network; and digital signatures, used for identity authentication. For general encryption, used to access secure websites, NIST selected the CRYSTALS-Kyber algorithm. The advantages are comparatively small encryption keys that two parties can exchange easily, as well as the speed of operation. For digital signatures, often used to verify identities during a digital transaction or to sign a document remotely, NIST selected three algorithms. Three of the selected algorithms are based on a family of maths problems called structured lattices, and one uses a hash function.

How can QNu Labs Help?

QNu Labs is a pioneer in developing products that proactively secure data for the post-quantum era.

QNu’s range of quantum-based products covers security from end-to-end across the entire data-based paraphernalia. From quantum-based encryptions to entropy enhancement services, QNu covers all security bases.

QNu’s flagship products Armos (QKD), Tropos (QRNG), and Hodos (PQC) are a perfect start to your quantum-cryptography journey of protecting your data.

It is time to use quantum cryptography against quantum-powered attacks.


Signal Messenger: PQC Arrives in Consumer Apps

Signal Messenger: PQC Arrives in Consumer Apps

QNu Labs   |   Oct 20, 2023

Signal Messenger is claimed to be one of the most secure messaging apps available. The Signal team proved its commitment to superior security by adopting post-quantum cryptography (PQC) in their algorithm.

The Signal Protocol is a set of cryptographic specifications that provides end-to-end encryption for private communications exchanged daily by billions of people around the world. The team announced on their blog that they are upgrading the X3DH specification to PQXDH, a first step in advancing quantum resistance in the Signal protocol. 

The announcement marks the arrival of PQC in consumer apps. PQC is no longer a concept limited to B2B transactions. 

Although quantum computers already exist, the systems known to exist today do not yet have enough qubits to pose a threat to the public-key cryptography that Signal currently uses. However, if sufficiently powerful quantum computers were built in the future, they could be used to compute a private key from a public key thereby breaking encrypted messages. 

To address this problem, new post-quantum cryptosystems have been created to implement new one-way functions that cannot be advantageously reversed by a quantum computer. These systems use the NIST-approved standardisation process for post-quantum cryptography.

The key encapsulation mechanism that Signal has selected, CRYSTALS-Kyber, is built on solid foundations. But the team clarifies that to be safe they do not want to simply replace their existing elliptic curve cryptography foundations with a post-quantum public key cryptosystem. Instead, they are augmenting their existing cryptosystems such that an attacker must break both systems in order to compute the keys protecting people’s communications.

The essence of the protocol upgrade from X3DH to PQXDH is to compute a shared secret, data known only to the parties involved in a private communication session, using both the elliptic curve key agreement protocol X25519 and the post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism CRYSTALS-Kyber. These two shared secrets are then combined so that any attacker must break both X25519 and CRYSTALS-Kyber to compute the same shared secret.

The new protocol is already supported in the latest versions of Signal’s client applications and is in use for chats initiated after both sides of the chat are using the latest Signal software. 

In the coming months (after sufficient time has passed for everyone using Signal to update), the team will disable X3DH for new chats and require PQXDH for all new chats. 

The rapid penetration of PQC in consumer-facing applications is an encouraging sign. Google also announced Chrome’s support for PQC. These ripples in the quantum era will certainly evade the wave of Harvest Now Decrypt Later (HNDL).



Google Chrome adds Post-Quantum Encryption Key Protection

Google Chrome adds Post-Quantum Encryption Key Protection

QNu Labs   |   Oct 25, 2023

Google made a bold move to fortress the data exchange on the internet by enhancing security features on Chrome.

Before we understand the reason behind this decision, let’s understand a few concepts.

Harvest Now Decrypt Later (HNDL): In an era where data is the new oil, malicious cyber actors are harvesting heaps of data in anticipation of decrypting later using quantum computers.

Post-quantum cryptography (PQC): Quantum computers use the principles of quantum physics to compute data much faster than conventional computers. Without ‘quantum-safe’ cryptography defences in place, military hardware, online financial transactions, and communications could be targeted by hackers with access to quantum computers. PQC is the robust quantum-safe cryptography. 

In light of potential threats from quantum computers, teams across Google are collaborating intensively to prepare the web for a transition to quantum-resistant cryptography.

Google’s Chrome team wrote in their blog that they are revising technical standards, implementing and evaluating new quantum-resistant algorithms, and engaging with the broader technology community to ensure a seamless transition.

Google Chrome will use a hybrid key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) to protect the sharing of symmetric encryption secrets while establishing secure TLS network connections. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a security protocol that provides privacy and data integrity for Internet communications.

A KEM establishes a shared secret key between two people so they can communicate confidentiality using symmetric key encryption. Symmetric encryption requires a sender and a receiver to have identical digital keys to encrypt and decrypt data.

Google is deploying a hybrid version of two algorithms: X25519 and Kyber-768 in Chrome.

Google’s new approach will contribute an extra quantum-resistant layer of encryption. It does so by encasing the X25519 keys with a quantum-resistant, Kyber-768 encapsulation layer.

Although quantum computers that can break classical cryptography aren’t expected in the near term, Google’s attempt at protecting traffic with quantum-resistant tech is still relevant because of HNDL.

Devon O’Brien, technical program manager for Chrome security, said that while symmetric encryption algorithms used to defend data travelling on networks are considered safe from quantum cryptanalysis, the way the keys get negotiated is not. By adding support for a hybrid KEM, Chrome should provide a stronger defence against future quantum attacks.

Google’s priority stems from the need to accelerate quantum-resistant cybersecurity and quantum-driven transition. It underscores the company’s commitment to safeguarding user data against the evolving landscape of cyber threats.



Quantum technologies for 6G communications

Quantum Technologies for 6G Communications

QNu Labs   |   Sep 20, 2023

Quantum computing (QC) garners a lot of positive press due to its power to solve complex computations several times faster. It is envisioned that QC can be a critical enabler and a strong catalyst to considerably reduce the computational power required to perform complex calculations and boost the future of sixth-generation (6G) communication. 

6G Security

A strong 6G demands a strong security framework to safeguard the colossal data transfers happening on communication channels. 

As per existing protocols, sensitive information is encrypted and transmitted via fibre-optic cables along with the required cryptographic keys to decrypt the information. The data and keys are transmitted using the standard bit format of 0s and 1s. 

These protocols are at risk of being compromised by the increasing capacity of QCs. The computation power of QC can factorise large numbers in seconds to hack the cryptographic keys.

Fortunately, the solution to this problem also lies in quantum mechanics. 

Quantum Communication

Quantum communication uses the laws of quantum physics to protect data and safeguard communication channels. One of the important rules of quantum mechanics is the superposition of particles. The principle states that particles can represent several simultaneous combinations of 0 and 1s. The other principle is quantum entanglement. Particles in an entangled state are affected simultaneously even if only one particle is disturbed. This prevents hackers from altering quantum bits (qubits) without leaving a visible trace of their actions.

Several cryptographic techniques have been developed using different principles of quantum mechanics. One of the popular techniques is the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). In QKD, two remote users create private quantum keys securely. Using these keys, secret messages can be encrypted into ciphertext and sent from one user to another.

QKD and quantum random number generators (QRNG) are two of the most investigated quantum technologies for quantum communication.

Why is QKD important for 6G?

Quantum cryptography employs principles of quantum physics to securely transfer data. Even if the communication link is unreliable, the requirement is that the transmitted messages remain unavailable to anybody other than the intended recipients. 

This is typically guaranteed only in traditional cryptography under the assumptions of computational difficulties, such as when factoring huge numbers is impossible. In contrast, quantum cryptography relies solely on the laws of quantum mechanics for its security. In this regard, QKD is becoming one of the most promising applications of quantum security.

Quantum communication networks are a classic application of quantum technologies for 6G. 

These networks would use quantum cryptography to secure the transmission of data, making it virtually impossible for third parties to intercept or access sensitive information. This is achieved with QKD, which allows for the secure distribution of encryption keys using entangled particles. 

The Need for Quantum-safe Security

The emergence of quantum computing and quantum communications will have profound implications for security technologies and cyber-resilience. 

While the underlying mechanisms of quantum physics in the context of quantum communications are well understood, there remain fundamental challenges to the practical implementations of quantum switches, routers, and error-correction technologies when building computing infrastructure at scale. In spite of these challenges, a dire need to prepare for a quantum-computing future is felt globally. 

Today’s asymmetric cryptographic algorithms will have to be replaced with quantum-safe concepts. 

In the case of sensitive data of long-term relevance, such replacement needs to be tackled now so that today’s data stored on servers can be protected against future quantum-compute-based algorithms. 

Novel quantum algorithms such as Quantum Key Distribution may provide a new approach to secure 6G networks and protocols. Meanwhile, quantum-safe cryptographic schemes such as lattice-based or code-based approaches are currently showing much promise.

How can QNu Labs help?

QNu Labs is a pioneer in developing products that proactively secure data for the post-quantum era.

QNu’s range of quantum-based products covers security from end-to-end across the entire data-based paraphernalia. From quantum-based encryptions to entropy enhancement services, QNu covers all security bases.

QNu’s flagship products Armos (QKD), Tropos (QRNG), and Hodos (PQC) are a perfect start to your quantum-cryptography journey of protecting your data.

It is time to use quantum cryptography against quantum-powered attacks.



Quantum Communication Using a Series of Satellites

Quantum Communication Using a Series of Satellites

QNu Labs   |   Sep 25, 2023

We are witnessing the second quantum revolution. We are exploring the possible applications of quantum superposition and quantum entanglement. Quantum communication is one of the important use cases of quantum mechanics. Building a large and fully functional quantum network will determine the commercial success of quantum communication.

Though quantum communication has seen significant developments, its progress is hindered due to the limitation of maintaining quantum states of qubits (quantum bits) over large distances. 

The world is pacing toward quantum communication as it is considered the safest mode of communication. However, even the best optical fibres or terrestrial free space can carry photons only up to a few hundred kilometres before light absorption makes the process impossible.

Quantum satellites set up for intra and inter-continental quantum cryptography services secure data communication at distances of thousands of kilometres.

Long-distance communication is far more important in meeting the security threat posed by quantum computers, for government, military, as well as business infrastructure. Satellite-based QKD systems offer the best approach for establishing a global-scale quantum network by using satellites that distribute secure keys to ground stations via free-space optical links.

The technology has developed further and a team of researchers in the USA and Canada have shown how quantum information could be relayed over large distances by a network of such satellites.

The Satellite Train

The arrangement uses a train of satellites in low-Earth orbit (LEO). The satellites are equipped with a pair of reflecting telescopes. Each satellite receives a photonic qubit using one telescope and transmits the qubit onward using the other. The satellite train would effectively bend photons around Earth’s curvature while controlling photon loss due to beam divergence. The team says that the arrangement is like a set of lenses on an optical table.

Simulations of satellites 120 kilometres apart with 60-cm-diameter telescopes showed that beam-divergence loss vanished. Over a distance of 20,000 kilometres, total losses—primarily reflection loss but also alignment and focusing errors—could be reduced to orders of magnitude less than those of a few hundred kilometres of optical fibre. Ultrahigh-reflectivity telescope mirrors could further decrease this loss.


S. Goswami/University of Calgary

Making quantum repeaters redundant

The team also proposed an all-satellite quantum network (ASQN). One of the approaches proposed is the “qubit transmission” protocol, in which quantum bits (qubits) are sent from a ground station to the first satellite, transmitted across the chain, and finally beamed down to a second, distant ground station. Such a system would require a different kind of optical design, to counteract the impact of turbulence on the satellite uplink. 

The researchers believe that dispensing the need for quantum repeaters or memory with their proposed setups could open a range of possibilities required for a quantum network. The possibilities include secure communication using quantum key distribution (QKD), the linking of quantum computers, and precision long-distance quantum sensing.

The researchers warn that a more complex network—that is, the long-term vision of a ‘quantum internet’ worked on in a variety of research labs—would require some form of quantum memory to ensure completely lossless transmission.

The research could pave the way for the development of globally secure quantum communications networks, as the use of satellites would provide a high level of security against hacking and eavesdropping. Though the proposed system needs further development and testing, it presents a promising solution for enabling long-distance quantum communication without the need for repeaters.

Secure Communication using Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

A satellite-based QKD system will ensure security over national and international distances, at a cost, much lower compared to ground-based fibre infrastructure for quantum communications. 

By ensuring the secure distribution of cryptographic keys over globe-spanning distances, this space-based technology delivers ultra-secure, long-range communications capability at a level that cannot be achieved with ground-based fibre infrastructure.

A global QKD network of ground stations and satellites provides a great platform for securely connecting the world.



Quantum Security in the Healthcare Industry

Quantum Security in the Healthcare Industry

QNu Labs   |   Sep 15, 2023

A quantum computer is a computing technology that uses sub-atomic particles and the principles of quantum mechanics to perform exponentially faster computations than existing computers. Quantum computing has many applications in healthcare, such as protein folding. However, the technology also has the power to break today’s encryption protocols that secure data and critical systems.

If we have to evaluate the impact of all quantum technologies on the healthcare industry, the analysis will look like this:


The healthcare industry holds personal sensitive data making cyberattacks a lucrative business for malicious actors. 

Every medical device, computer server, network, and storage array is vulnerable to cyberattack. Anything from ransomware to zero-day attacks–any act that allows a malicious actor to interfere with healthcare processes or steal data–puts the lives of patients and their caretakers in jeopardy.

Possibly, in the not-so-distant future, the digital healthcare industry will also be vulnerable to attacks from quantum computers.

Current encryption systems will be rendered useless once quantum computers develop enough processing power. Security experts are worried that we have little time to defend against such attacks. 

The Need for Quantum Security in Healthcare

The quantum crisis threatens patient health, the large and lucrative healthcare industry, society, and even a country’s national security.

If existing cryptography that protects the security and privacy of medical technologies becomes inoperable, then patient health is at risk. Attackers could disrupt hospital networks and delay patient care. They could cause critical health devices like pacemakers and insulin pumps to stop working. It could make people sick or they might even die.

Medical information is very valuable. Research suggests that the value is tens of times more than stolen credit card information. 

Risks to individual patients are bad news, but cyber risk exposure overall threatens the broader society. If healthcare systems, especially emergency services, are unavailable during a crisis, the public can be in danger. A quantum attack that disrupts medical ecosystems could destabilise public order.

Healthcare organisations need to start assessing their cybersecurity to look for areas vulnerable to quantum attacks. They should comply with all regulatory norms, and start taking inventory of their critical data and systems (both hardware and software).

Healthcare organisations can then move toward post-quantum cryptography, a new approach to cryptography that changes the way keys are generated, managed, and used. Using advanced mathematical techniques, post-quantum cryptography methods can protect healthcare data from quantum attacks.

How can QNu Labs help?

QNu Labs is a pioneer in developing products that proactively secure data for the post-quantum era.

QNu’s range of quantum-based products covers security from end-to-end across the entire data-based paraphernalia. From quantum-based encryptions to entropy enhancement services, QNu covers all security bases.

QNu’s flagship products Armos (QKD), Tropos (QRNG), and Hodos (PQC) are a perfect start to your quantum-cryptography journey of protecting your data.

It is time to use quantum cryptography against quantum-powered attacks.



The Government of India Penalises Data Breach

The Government of India Penalises Data Breach

QNu Labs   |   Aug 31, 2023

The number of internet users in India has already crossed 600 million. Online businesses are eagerly waiting for this number to touch one billion. Experts say it might happen as early as 2030.

The increasing internet penetration has posed a significant challenge to the monitoring agencies of government because of the colossal amount of data created, exchanged, and collected.

Protecting personal data is an ethical responsibility of the one who possesses it. But, who audits the use of data? What are the compliances? What are the consequences of a breach of trust?

To address these pertinent questions, the Minister of Electronics & Information Technology proposed the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 in Parliament. It received the Presidential nod on 11th August. India has now joined the ranks of developed countries to protect citizens' data and citizens' right to privacy.

The previous bills in 2019 and 2022 were laced with several issues relating to data localization, transparency, and compliance. They were withdrawn by the Central Government.

Salient Features of the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023

The primary objective of the bill is to balance the processing of digital personal data while upholding individual rights and lawful data usage. It outlines the responsibilities of Data Fiduciaries, protects Data Principals' rights (that is, the rights of the person to whom the data relates), and enforces penalties for breaches.

It seeks to establish a comprehensive framework for the protection of personal data. This framework extends its jurisdiction to personal data collected within India–both online and offline data that has been subsequently digitized. Moreover, if data processing occurs outside India but involves offering goods or services to individuals within the country, the Bill's regulations apply.

The Bill details all scenarios of data security and protection of privacy. To summarise, the Bill is drafted on seven key principles:

What Does the Bill Provide for Every Citizen?

The citizens of India have a moment to rejoice because the bill clearly outlines the rights of individuals against malicious use of their data. The power is given in the hands of the Data Principal. The primary rights as per the Bill are:

The Data Fiduciaries will enforce these rights. The additional responsibilities include:

The Data Protection Board is responsible for penalising data breaches and blocking the digital resources of repeat violators.

The penalties are severe and the mandate of data protection is serious. Notable penalties are:

What Does the Bill Imply for Enterprises?

The consequences of a data breach until now were the high cost of data compromise and damage to the company’s reputation. The involvement of the government was minimal and the laws around data breaches were vague.

The scenario is very different with the passage of this Bill. Enterprises will have to prioritise data security and follow norms as mandated by the government. Missing out on this crucial factor can lead to heavy penalties in addition to the costs of data loss and a dent in reputation.

The advent of quantum computers has put existing encryption protocols at risk. The probability of data breaches is higher and businesses cannot ignore or sideline the issues around data security.

The plan of action is clear–fortress data against new-age attacks to survive in the new-age economy.

How can QNu Labs Help?

QNu is a pioneer in quantum cryptography. It can deploy security safeguards mandated by the Bill. The patented technologies developed by QNu are proven to shield data from quantum attacks.

QNu's range of quantum-based products covers security from end-to-end across the entire data-based paraphernalia. From quantum-based encryptions to entropy enhancement services, QNu covers all security bases.

QNu offers three products that serve as a quantum security ecosystem:

Armos (QKD)
QKD is a state-of-the-art device providing unconditional security for critical data through quantum physics.

Tropos (QRNG)
QRNG generates true random numbers from a quantum source, making it suitable for all QRNG applications.

Hodos (PQC)
PQC is the next generation of cryptographic protocol recommended by NIST that replaces today's RSA-based vulnerable systems with a quantum-resistant one.
